Guidelines of Lemond Protocol Liquidity Mining


LEMD-USDT LP contract deployed successfully

Contract Address:0x994af547f45d4ad85d622fddbaa7956a3a5c13f0

You can swap LEMD to add liquidity via CherrySwap


How to participate in LEMD Liquidity Mining

1. Get LP of LEMD — USDT

Click and click “Get LEMD-USDT LP Token”, this would direct you to CherrySwap.

Input volume and then click “add”. You will get LP of LEMD — USDT once liquidity added successfully.

*Click “Go to Swap $LEMD” if you need to swap LEMD.

2. Stake your LEMD — USDT LP in the Pool

Click to enter Lemond Farm Page.

Input certain number of LP you want to stake and then click “Stake”

